
Allow users to upload images that fits your design

Here is a simple example on how you can add the image content tag


Once the user uploads an image the output will be a simple img tag.

<img src="...">

There is of course a lot of more possibilities with this tag.


When you specify adjustable="true" it allows user to choose mode (fill, fit or crop) for their image. It also enables the user to resize the image when using fit or crop.

Turning adjustable off will force the system to crop the image to the specified width/height. If you only want the user to be able to choose between certain mode, such as fill or crop you can defined adjustable="fill,crop"


If a user upload an image that is 200x120 it will be upscaled to 400x300. If a user uploads an image that is 1423x503 it will be resized and cropped to fit 400x300. We use a smart algorithm to detect interesting details in the image to make the crop as good as possible. Users might also change the crop after upload.

Image as background

It is possible to output the image as a background in a <div> instead of an <img>.

     <div class="{{ edit }}" style="{{ style }}"></div>


  • width – Image width in pixels. I.e. 500, not 500px
  • height – Image height in pixels. I.e. 500, not 500px
  • adjustable – Boolean true/false or specific modes (fill,crop)
  • linkable – If it should be possible to link this image (creates an <a> around the image)
  • resizable – Allows users to resize the image height (10px - your height). Only applied if adjustable is active.
  • resolution – Set this to 2x to enable the user to upload a high resolution image
  • link-tab – Set this to video to open the video tab in the link modal by default
  • placeholder – Set this to round if the output is a round image to show a better looking placeholder
  • placeholder-width – If you want to set a different placeholder than the width parameter
  • placeholder-height – If you want to set a different placeholder than the height parameter